“Mindfulness is awareness. The awareness that rises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, in a non-judgemental way.” Jon Kabat-Zinn.
Would you like to learn how to decrease stress and improve the quality of your life? To establish inner calm and balance, focus and resilience? To deal better with the challenges of daily life? Join the 8 week MBSR course starting on October 29th, and enroll in the adventure of conscious living.
Scientific research shows that a large number of participants in the 8 week MBSR course register the following benefits:
- Reduced stress and stress reactivity
- Better sleep and overall health
- Increased awareness, focus and concentration
- Better relationships with oneself and others
- Better communication skills
- Better understanding of mind-body connection
- Better understanding of own emotions and better skills for dealing with them
Course content
Formal practice – meditation, yoga, mindful walking
Informal practice – applying mindfulness principles in daily activities (e.g. in dialogues, while eating, driving etc.)
Weekly home assignments – 45-60 min/day
Dates, time (CET) –
Dates, time (CET) – 29 Oct, 05 Nov, 12 Nov, 19 Nov, 26 Nov, 2 Dec, 8 Dec (all-day retreat), 10 Dec, 17 Dec (except the all-day retreat the sessions take place 19.00 – 21.30 Copenhagen time). [
check your local time here]
The registration closes on Wednesday, October 24. You can benefit of the Early Bird price if you register before September 30th.
Location – Online and live
Price – Register and pay before September 30th – 3.150 DKK including materials and guided meditations (2.700 DKK for students and unemployed).
Register and pay before October 21 – 3.500 DKK including materials and guided meditations (3.000 DKK for students and unemployed) [
convert to your local currency here]
Trainer – Carmen Manea – qualified MBSR teacher trained by Oasis Institute, Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society from UMass Medical School, USA
Registration [closed]
Registration is open from now and until October 21, 2018. Sign up below or send an eMail to
Carmen. Further details will follow along with the confirmation of your registration.