Fierce Self-Compassion

CM CAMP | Carmen Manea | Coaching & Mindfulness CAMP
Fierce Self-Compassion is an new groundbreaking 8-week program recently developed by Dr. Kristin Neff, a leading researcher in the field of self-compassion and co-creator of Mindful Self-Compassion. This course will draw from the practices outlined in her latest book, Fierce Self-Compassion, and will provide a balanced blend of experiential activities and research-based knowledge.
While many associate self-compassion with a gentle and soft approach, it can also embody a fierce quality. Tender self-compassion focuses on “being with” ourselves in an accepting manner—offering comfort, reassurance that we are not alone, and fully engaging with our pain.
This Fierce Self-Compassion (FSC) course will focus on the following key areas
  • Empowerment: Taking meaningful action to protect, provide for, and motivate ourselves to alleviate our suffering.
  • Establishing Boundaries: Learning to say “no” to others when necessary, setting firm boundaries, and standing against injustice.
  • Prioritizing Self-Needs: Embracing the importance of saying “yes” to ourselves and prioritizing our own happiness over continually subordinating our needs to those of others.
  • Authentic Fulfillment: Discovering how to identify and provide ourselves with what we genuinely need—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually—to lead a fulfilling and authentic life.
  • Balancing Self-Compassion: Understanding that to be truly self-compassionate, we must integrate both tender and fierce aspects of self-compassion.
    • Gentle Self-Compassion: While gentle self-compassion helps us avoid complacency, an imbalance can lead to disempowerment.
    • Fierce Self-Compassion: On the other hand, too much fierceness without tenderness may result in hostility or selfishness.
  • Interdependence: Learning to stand strong like a tree with a solid trunk and flexible branches, recognizing our connection to others as part of an interconnected whole.
    • Cultivating Love: Nurturing love in our hearts to avoid perpetuating harm.
    • Embracing Fierceness: Developing the fierceness within us to stand up against harm.
What to expect each week in this FSC programme?
This training programme follows a comprehensive and safe 8-week structure, each week’s topic (2.30 hours) builds on the previous week. So, it is important as far as practical to attend every week to gain the full benefit of the programme.
  • Week 1: Discovering Fierce Self-Compassion
  • Week 2: Tender Acceptance
  • Week 3: Protecting Ourselves
  • Week 4: Harnesing the Power of Anger
  • Week 5: Motivating Change
  • Week 6: Meeting Our Needs
  • Week 7: Finding Wholeness
  • Week 8: Finding Meaning
During the 8-week Fierce Self-Compassion (FSC) programme, you will learn
  • Three Components of Self-Compassion: Describe how the three essential elements of self-compassion manifest in the contexts of protecting ourselves, providing for our needs, and motivating positive change.
  • Recognizing and Overcoming Blocks: Begin to identify and transcend personal obstacles that hinder the ability to set effective boundaries.
  • Harnessing Anger Constructively: Learn to work with and channel anger as a constructive force that supports personal growth and self-advocacy.
  • Identifying and Meeting Needs: Gain the ability to recognize your own needs and give yourself permission to fulfil them.
  • Motivation through Encouragement: Develop skills to motivate yourself using encouragement and support instead of criticism.
  • Fierce Self-Compassion for Social Change: Understand how fierce self-compassion can be leveraged as a powerful tool for promoting social change and advocacy.
Is this FSC training course for you?
This course is open to anyone who has completed the 8-10-weeks Mindful Self-Compassion Course (MSC), or the 5-Day Intensive MSC Course or the MSC Core Skills Workshop.
Your teacher
I have little inclination to talk about myself and my achievements, and I would rather listen to the stories of those I meet and talk about all those who inspire me. It is important though to tell you a few words about my journey, so you can understand how I came to do the work I’m doing and how I can maybe serve you in this adventure.
Since I can remember, I was a curious and lively, yet sensitive and empathic. I loved trying new things and I couldn’t stand conflicts. I grew up following the society norms – getting a good education, a good job, a house and a family – and felt the pressure to achieve all these or ashamed if I was failing at times. I also learnt that if I put more pressure on myself, the pressure from outside is not that strong.
When I was 30 years old, I had it all: I was having a leadership position being responsible for 120 people, a flat and a partner. I was also stressed, very self-critical, anxious, unhappy, and feeling trapped.
In 2009, I discovered meditation, and slowly my life changed. Yet, only when I discovered and started to practice self-compassion, my relationship with myself radically changed.
In 2017, I left my corporate job, and I dedicated my life to coaching and teaching mindfulness (MBSR), emotional balance (CEB) and self-compassion (MSC). It has been an incredible journey of serving others and growing at the same time because, as one of my teachers was saying, “never ask your students to do something that you are not doing yourself”. So, every time I’m teaching, I’m continuing to learn and go deeper, as life never stops to provide plenty of opportunities for practice.
I’d love to have the chance to learn, grow and practice together.
The Experience of Other Participants
Pilar Raigon Muñoz Tech Sales Trainer Specialist, Spain
When I enrolled in the Mindful Self-Compassion course, I was already practicing meditation but not very constantly. Often the meditations I followed were very generic and not adapted to my circumstances, stress or changes in my reality. So, the efficiency of the meditation was not always the best.
In Mindful Self-Compassion course with Carmen, I have learned to identify my emotions and their consequences even better, and to create mechanisms that help me in real time to navigate stressful situations or any other kind of situations for which I am not always prepared.
What is the result? Reducing the time in which I anchor ourselves in negativity with all the negative emotions that this entails, and the suffering caused to myself. I recommend this course 100% and consider it a much-needed gift to ourselves. The impact is also be reflected in my immediate environment, family and work.
Thank you Carmen for your passion, kindness and for sharing this wisdom with me.
Denise Todd Catering Management Administrator, UK
I am forever grateful to my wonderful daughter for connecting me with Carmen, who came highly recommended for her work with employees in her workplace. I started with 1:1 sessions and then joined the 8-week Mindful Self-Compassion Course led by Carmen and Jim, both compassionate and dedicated coaches.
While I’ve always seen myself as an empathic person, I realized that I often neglect my own needs and set high standards for myself, leading to self-criticism when I don’t succeed. I recognized that “once you learn to love yourself, you can love others.
There were times during the course when I felt perplexed and overwhelmed, especially as we explored deep-seated issues I had buried. If you’re considering this journey, stay open-minded and be prepared for some bumps along the way. Rest assured, you’ll be held in a safe and confidential space. Be kind to yourself, embrace your fears, and learn to release or accept them. You can forgive without forgetting; just don’t let negative feelings fester.
I learned a lot about myself and gained valuable tools for being kinder to myself. This course has been transformative; I’ve regained my power and bubbly personality, and exciting new opportunities have already begun to present themselves.
I now practice ‘Mindful Self-Compassion’ daily, and if I miss a day, it’s okay! I highly recommend this course and will always cherish the support I received from Carmen and Jim during a challenging time in my life. Thank you!
General practicalities
  • Course duration: 8 weeks, 2h 30min per week
  • Dates: New dates for 2025 will be announced soon
Pre-register or sign up for a call!
The currently scheduled cohort is in progress. Sign up for our newsletter to stay in touch and be informed when the next cohort is scheduled.
CM CAMP | Carmen Manea | Coaching & Mindfulness CAMP

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