
Do you experience the Impostor Syndrome? Do you have a hard time with talking about your achievements? Are you not being visible enough?
#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to speak openly about their accomplishments in the workplace and beyond, thereby breaking modesty norms and glass ceilings (see more at g.co/IamRemarkable).
This program aims to:
  1. Improve the motivation and self-promotion skills of women and underrepresented groups
  2. Change social perceptions and refresh the conversation around self-promotion
During the 90/120 min (depending on the number of participants) #IamRemarkable workshop/webinar we will:
  • Share data and research regarding self-promotion and unconscious bias
  • Go through the main exercise to help the participants articulate their achievements and practice self-promotion
  • Have a discussion and share take home exercises
See what previous participants of #IamRemarkable workshops with Carmen have to say:
Susanne Kruger Interculturalist
I had the pleasure of being part in one of Carmen’s #iamremarkable workshops. It was an absolute delight to engage with her and fellow participants. Carmen created a safe and collaborative space for us to be vulnerable and share personal stories. She has a wonderful way of conveying knowledge and encouraging participants to step out of our comfort zone and appreciate our uniqueness and see opportunities. Thank you, Carmen for your inspiration.
Sarifa Alonto Younes Edupreneur, International Speaker, Bestselling author
I enjoyed listening to Carmen Manea’s presentation on I am remarkable, which made me realize as an audience that everyone is remarkable. We just need to recognize and acknowledge it. Thank you, Carmen Manea for the remarkable presentation. I would like to recommend her to anyone who would love to be inspired!
Rania Kudsi Haddadin HR & Recruitment Consultant, Career Counselor, Founder Global HCI Consultancy and Empower Women to Lead the Change
I took with Carmen the I’m remarkable training and I felt so engaged and connected to the other participates, from the exercises and Carmen’s professional facilitation. I really enjoyed it and it reminded me how important it’s to remind women in the community of their worth. As a founder of Empower Women to Lead the change I’m encouraged to work more with women on their self-confidence and self-worth and I support Carmen fully in her mission. And I do recommend all women to attend.
Marly Hurtado Leadership Coach, Webinar and Workshop Trainer, Speaker Manufacturing, Canada
Last year, I was fortunate to participate in the #IAmRemarkable webinar facilitated by my colleague Carmen Manea. It was a great reminder on the value of celebrating and sharing our personal stories of progress and achievement with others as a powerful way of encouraging them and also reframing our disempowering inner talks. Carmen’s serene presence, warmth personality, and flexible facilitation style were fantastic qualities for creating a safe space where everyone opened up and greatly contributed to the group conversation. The ability to create a supporting environment for people to step out of their comfort zone for the sake of their learning and growth is definitely one of Carmen’s superpowers!
Tseganesh Wubale Tamirat Enthusiast in Sustainability, Inclusive Rural Development, Women Empowerment, and Education Systems, Denmark
I have the delight of participating in two of Carmen’s #IAmRemarkable workshops. Talking about my achievements and what I am remarkable for (especially to people I never knew before) was absolutely out of my comfort zone. Carmen’s inspiring presentation and the safe environment made it possible for me to open up, be vulnerable and share personal stories. It made me realize that celebrating every bit of achievement and be grateful for what we have come so far is key to see the person we want to be. Being remarkable is for everyone in every walk of life, yet we may fail to acknowledge ours and possibly others. I wholeheartedly recommend Carmen’s workshops to everyone who is willing to be inspired, improve self-awareness and challenge negative self-talks!
If you want to book a #IamRemarkable workshop specifically scheduled for your organization, please send an email to Carmen Manea.
To join one of our next scheduled #IamRemarkable online workshops, sign up below.

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    CM CAMP | Carmen Manea | Coaching & Mindfulness CAMP

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